May news….

Although we’re heading into cooler months, the quality of the diving has held up very nicely and water temperatures are still nice enough to dive in a good quality wetsuit and still get a 50 minute to an hour run time without coming out hypothermic. 

Looking back on the month of April we can truly say that it was a great month with the annual Spider Crab aggregation visiting our regular haunts and many divers encountering this phenomenon.  We also finished off the month with a sensational club night with Dr. John Lippmann OAM as our guest speaker, and since then, the feedback hasn’t stopped with divers commenting on the value of presentations such as this that both remind and teach divers as to what it takes to be safe.  John’s presentation had a timely slant to it talking about the advent of DCI in the tropics and also looking at predisposing factors such as dehydration, age, lack of fitness (diving fitness), lack of proper planning and the benefits of reducing nitrogen intake by diving Nitrox.