Again, the shopfront was turned into a presentation venue which packed out to standing room only for one of the most inspiring presentations ever.
Our fabulous speakers from SEA SHEPHERD, Hans and Dan showed our crew footage of the last illegal Japanese whale slaughters in the Southern Ocean and the continued dolphin slaughters taking place in Japan with dolphin flesh sold commercially and branded as whale meat. Also they spoke of the indiscriminate long lining practices targeting sharks for the sole purpose of slicing their fins off whilst still alive and being kicked back in the water to die a slow death by drowning, as well as practices still carried out in Canada that for years we thought had stopped and been banned – the clubbing of baby harp seals.
The graphic nature of the footage left nothing to the imagination, but demonstrated with total clarity the violence and cruelty used by humans on other creatures of our planet.
As divers, we have a moral obligation to take on and assume a role of custodians of our oceans and to do everything in our power to condemn the sadistic behaviour of some governments.
We need to educate and explain to people what is acceptable behaviour and what is not when it comes to purchasing decisions such as buying “Flake” in our fish and chips (By the way, has anyone ever come across a fish called Flake?…. Ever??)
Aside from the fabulous presentation, our friends from Sea Shepherd were immensely grateful by the amount of support received from our divers with purchases of merchandise and financial support pledged.
As we move towards Summer, the Japanese fleet has already begun its preparation for their next illegal whale slaughter in the Southern Ocean, but it is gratifying to know that at the same time, SEA SHEPHERD is also readying themselves to challenge the Japanese fleet, this time armed with the SSS Sam Simon